Hofburg Palace in Vienna Austria

The marvellous Hofburg Palace in Vienna was for a considerable length of time the seat of Austria’s government, the incredible Habsburgs. Presently the President behaviours state business in similar rooms that once had a place with Emperor Joseph II. About each Austrian ruler since 1275 arrange increases or changes, bringing about a wide range of […]
The Grossglockner Road to Franz-Josefs-Höhe Austria

The Grossglockner Road to Franz Josefs Hohe Austria The Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse from Bruck, in the Pinzgau, to Heiligenblut. At the foot of the Grossglockner, was built somewhere in the range of 1930 and 1935. Following the course of an old Roman street, it is one of the most superb mountain streets in Europe. In spite […]
Zell am See Austria Activity

Zell am See Austria Activity Zell am See, situated in the territory of Salzburg, is another outstanding visitor goal, popular for its mountains and lakes. When represented by French troops back in the mid nineteenth century, Zell am See has facilitated a few global skiing rivalries. Off the ski slants, one of its most celebrated […]