White Sand Beach in Trat, Thailand

white sand beach trat

Nightlife in White Sand Beach Trat is likely the most occurring of the considerable number of sea shores on Koh Chang. Prevalent sea shore bars like Oodie’s Place and Sabay Bar offer exuberant nightlife and incredible unrecorded music. These spots will in general get stuffed at ends of the week and during the long occasions, […]

Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Mumbai, India

slovenia embassy in mumbai

Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Mumbai, India Address: Slovenia Embassy in Mumbai “Filmlab” 27 Walbhat Road, Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400 063 India Tel:       (+) 91 22 40699 690 Fax:      (+) 91 22 40699 611 Email: sanjay.patel (at) siconmumbai.com Slovenia, a nation in Central Europe, is known for its mountains, ski […]

Trat Spa and Wellness, Thailand

trat spa and wellness

Trat Spa and Wellness On account of its pristine scenes and lavish wilderness secured mountains. Koh Chang makes for an ideal escape goal to unwind. Loosen up just as revive. Be set up to enjoy a definitive spoiling as most lodgings and resorts on the island give radiant spa offices. Medications and back rub administrations. […]

Kai Bae Beach in Trat, Thailand

kai bae beach

Kai Bae Beach is arranged towards the south of Klong Prao Beach and flaunts practically 2.5-kilometer stretch of sandy sea shore. In spite of the fact that, contrasting with Kai Bae Beach and Klong Prao Beach, the fundamental street here is much smaller, making it a significant strategic walk openly without agonizing over the approaching […]

Koh Chang in Trat, Thailand

koh chang trat

Koh Chang Trat A gathering of around 10 islands south of Koh Chang have coral reefs and are perfect for plunging and angling. Vessels to the island can be enlisted from Ao Cho, Laem Sok Pier or Laem Ngop Pier that will take you to the islands where the jumping is great. Jumping season in […]