Nimman Road Chiang Mai, Thailand

nimman road chiang mai

Nimman Road Chiang Mai and the encompassing side lanes are at the core of the trendiest piece of Chiang Mai. Incidentally known by its complete name of Nimmanhaemin Road, the spot is bursting at the seams with chic eateries, bistros, bars, shops and boutique inns. It unquestionably gives Chiang Mai another point, far expelled from […]

Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Kolkata, India

slovenia embassy in kolkata

Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Kolkata, India Address: Slovenia Embassy in Kolkata 12C, Lord Sinha Road Shyamkunj, 6th floor Calcutta – 700 071, West Bengal India T: (+) 91 33 4014 4000 (+) 91 98 3003 2200 (+) 91 33 2282 2212 F: (+) 91 33 4014 0035 (+) 91 33 2282 4145 E: […]

Chiang Mai Khantok Dinner Thailand

chiang mai khantok dinner

Chiang Mai Khantok Dinner The Khantoke Dinner at the Old Chiang Mai Cultural Center is based around the conventional Thai supper and moving show. For the Khantoke supper visitors sit on bamboo tangles on the floor and are served a scope of northern Thai nourishment to impart to the table. The nourishment incorporates a rich […]

Chiang Mai Night Bazaar in Thailand

chiang mai night bazaar

Chiang Mai Night Bazaar The Night Bazaar comprises of endless slows down stuffed along the walkways and spilling out into the road. Here you can discover merchants selling nearly anything you can consider. The determination is essentially amazing and things on offer incorporate CDs, DVDs, garments, shoes, Thai silk, handiworks, totes, wallets, watches, computer games, […]

Chiang Mai Night Safari Thailand

chiang mai night safari

Chiang Mai Night Safari park was designed according to the Singapore Night Safari. The idea of the recreation center is to furnish guests with an exciting knowledge like being out in the wild around evening time. Aside from visiting the three creature zones – Savanna Safari, Predator Prowl, Jaguar Trail – by means of an […]